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All items are produced and shipped from our facility within 5 to 8 days from the time of purchase apart from the order Handling time of 1-2 days. Standard shipping times, then apply. Click the tracking information located in your confirmation email to view your shipping details and lead time. Deliveries may take longer for international orders due to customs regulations within your country.Please write us at support@advertisira.store if your order hasn’t arrived within the expected lead time.
Tracking numbers can take 3-4 business days to show up in the shipping carrier’s system. If the tracking number is still not working within a few days, please contact us.
Right after you have successfully placed your order.
If you would like to return an item to support@advertisira.store please follow the instructions below within 25 days of delivery. Safely pack the things within the original packaging that came with the merchandise. All Products must be returned as good as it was. If the Products received is broken, please contact our Customer Service.
So as to exchange a product please contact us at Email: support@advertisira.store and then we shall process your query.
If this happens, then we are truly sorry. Please email us at: support@advertisira.store and let us know about your order number and how we messed up. Then we will take care of you and cover all costs of getting you the right product, by sending you a new product and pay for the other one’s shipping back to us. We would like you to know that the fulfillment team are humans unlike some who give these tasks to robots (since we make sure to help against unemployment), and they do their best to provide you the best experience when it comes to shopping online, but mistakes are just inevitable sometimes. That’s why we will make sure to correct the issue ASAP! And we are very sorry of what occurred again!